Huis Bergh has about 500 hectares of land, of which 250 hectares of forest are owned. In the Bergherbos is the Motte Montferland, a natural mound raised by human hands and the largest in the Netherlands.
The motte contained a heap of dead and fungus-infested trees. To prevent these from falling over and tearing their root balls loose from the mound or surrounding ramparts, these trees were removed. BKC BV was commissioned by Stichting Huis Bergh to carry out this assignment together with KMP Civiel.
The project took 5 years in which all the greenery was removed. In addition, the water management was also addressed, whereby rainwater can now drain via the top of the motte and no longer runs off along the flanks, which led to local subsidence of the soil and the access road.
BKC BV is grateful to Huis Bergh for the trust it has placed in the execution of this unique and grand project.
For information you can also visit the website of levenindeliemers.
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